Behind each decision and each step forward there is a young, highly specialized family team, following the path of Italian enterpreneurial history.
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72Valera is founded
The enterpreneurial activity of the Lucchini family begins with their first company of the group: ValeraAs one of the many taks, the company produced cases for IBM mainframe computers.
76The new headoffice
A new headquarter is build in Via Vigorelli in the city of Rho in the outskirt of Milan. -
77Entry into the pharma world
The company starts the collaboration with one of the main companies in the pharmacy furnishing sector: Staff3.
80Linee Valmediso
After 4 years, the collaboration with Staff 3 comes to an end.A new collaboration with Zanchettin begins and soon after Valera starts the production of its own line of furniture for dentists, first in metal and later also in wood.
82Dalma Line
Launch of the dentistry furniture line Dalma. The company is the first in the sector to use soft polyurethane handles in its drawers.A collaboration with funiture studios Parka and Fado begins.
86Viola Srl is born
Viola is founded and new hi-end industrial coating services are offered at the company's hq at Misinto, Italy.
87Hi-end funiture
The start of collaborations with B&B Italia SPA, Marcatrè, Herman Miller and Vaghi.
90Growth of Rho city's offices
More space is acquired and the production space is doubled.The start of collaborations with Mercury, Pianca, Estel and LB.
94First drawer unit in aluminum
Viola designs and produces Omega, the first drawer unit in aluminum.
It wins the innovation prize from the Chamber of Commerce. -
Start of a collaboration with pharmaceutical storage units brand Bottigelli.
With the customization of the Omega model Viola produces the Cosmos drawer. -
97Viola + Valera
Viola Srl takes in Valera Snc and gives life to a new business reality specialized both in sheet metal work and special coatings. A key step towards the company's growth. -
00The first revolution
Viola decides to leave the pharmaceutical sector temporarily to focus on different business opportunities. The company revolutionizes its macchinery park and begins new project collaborations with architects and designers.
08New forces join the company
As the second generation of the family takes the lead, new markets and business areas that where on hold are once again in place, with a strategic goal for long term visions. -
09The future takes shape
Two new business units are created.
Pharma Division: The company starts the concept for ISY, the first truly modular pharmacy drawer in the world;
Design Division: The brand of luxury home decor objetcs, Lucchini Milano, is created as an expression of the family's sensibility.
10ISY in Italy
ISY starts being sold across Italy. The market welcomes the new product quickly.
14Viola looks abroad
Period of great commercial expansion. The company starts to operate in other markets, in Europe and across the globe.
Tivo SA is created. The first foreign branch of the group.
15Iride is born
Iride is created, the first system for communications and advertisement on pharmaceutical drawer units.
16Iride becomes an advertising network
Iride grows across Italy, it is created Club Iride, the network of pharmacies that chose Iride.
18The year of the digital innovation. Viola launched 3 new products at the biggest pharmaceutical tradeshow in Italy, Cosmofarma 2018:
ISY 2.0 - The technical evolution of our modular drawer ISY. Even easier to assemble, more silent and with an increased storage capacity.
ISY Tech - The smart drawer that will find the requested prescription, help you manage your stock and will become a new advertising space thanks to the included Iride fronts.
Iride Analytics - The platform that gathers and processes data form both ISY Tech. To anticipate and improve your customer needs and their experience, increasing your sales and putting your pharmacy one step ahead.

Alessandro Lucchini
My role: "Being responsible for the company's innovation means I am in charge of R&D of special coatings, solutions and technologies that can be applied to our products and that will meet our customers needs. It's an exciting role and thanks to the support of my team we are able to constantly bring something new to the table."
In a nutshell: "I am a very curious person and I can move from one field to another with ease and I am extremely interested in each challenge presented to me. My zen point of balence? When I find the right mix of creativity and a work methodology I feel unstoppable!."
Daniele Lucchini
My role:" I'm in charge of transforming an idea into a conceivable project, giving substance to Viola's ideas. I oversee a team of highly qualified technicians and engineers and thanks to their contribution all the activities we are capable of realizing all steps in here, from 3d modelling all the way to the manufacturing of a product including its machinery."
In a nutshell: "I am not one for the the spotlight, I'd rather my products and solutions speak for me. As a good mechanical engineer I believe each activity must be done with effort and dedication. For this reason when I receive acknowledgments of something that went through our hands I feel it as the true highlight of my days."
Marco Lucchini
My role: "I am the company's CEO and head of production. With determination and balance I have to everyday make decisions with the intention of now only growing the company but also all those who we work with side by side. It is a great responsability which is only surpassed by an even greater satisfaction of seeing our ideas become reality."
In a nutshell: "Since I was a kid I have always been interested in robotics. From my earliest memories I recall that my favourite playtime activities were not making cars or buildings with lego blocks, instead I would make little forklifts and antropomorphic robots. Give me a controller, an engine and a computer and I will automate anything for you."
Roberto Lucchini
My role: "I am the coordinator and trait d’union between the board of direction and the production staff. Being the Chief Operating Officer allows me to collaborate actively on every idea and project while interacting with the entire company. It is essencial for me to assure that everyone is aligned with our goals so they can reach their full potential. Each day is different and this requires a lot of versatility which is a great source of motivation."
In a nutshell: "I chose to study Economy thinking that it would make me ready for working world, but in reality each day has its challenges and all those experiences have been, and still are, the greatest school of life. I am a firm believer in the power of an open dialogue and the exchange of ideas, so it is only through active collaborations that a team's idea will come to life."
The importance of family
It’s from the will of a family that Viola was born and it is with the same spirit of attentive care how we choose to relate to our collaborators and personnel.
The reliability
We make each and every product with the goal of it being used for the long term, with satisfaction and safety thanks to a higher quality of manufacture and a constant attention in design, planning and choice of materials.
The respect for our environment
We have only one planet to inhabit, that is why we make an effort to care for it. We do it by using recyclable materials and by operating under sustainable productive cycles and methods.
The courage to wish to change the world
There would be no sense in facing arduous daily challenges if we did not wish to leave our positive imprint in this world. And it is with that same spirit how we face every new project.
The power of an idea
We firmly believe that it only takes one single idea to change everything in a big way and for the better, that’s why we encourage all of our collaborators to express themselves and share their own creative inputs.
“Creativity Is contagious. Pass It On”
Albert Einstein